Saturday, January 19, 2013


So I realized that I have not blogged in a few days. And to my readers (or mainly my sister haha) I apologize. This week has been so incredibly busy with work and getting ready for the GRE that I just took today and just with other things. But I have been faithful to working out, even though I would have liked another hour of sleep. But just remember everyone to push through and to get your butt up and get going. Like I have stated before, it is easier to get up early and get your workout done and not have to worry about it for the rest of the day.

Well this week has been interesting. I do have a confession to make. Me and Paula were not able to finish two days or workouts because we ran out of time, but that is due to us chatting. So just try and stay focused everyone, it can be hard especially with friends but I wouldn't have it any other way. We were not really able to increase much in weight, but we just really focused on controlling the weight and "engaging" our muscles. The last day, we we able to increase weight and really push ourselves. I am pretty sure next week we will try and increase the weight and make sure that we are pushing ourselves to the fullest. My goal is to be honest with you guys and with myself to try.

Now as for advice, it is the same that I keep barking at you all to control the weight and to try your hardest. If you sent results you have to work hard. Like they said no pain, no gain. This week I felt it in my back more this week and Paula felt it in her abs, this could be because I am trying to re-strengthen my back and Paula was really working with her abs. Now one thing that has changed from the last week, is that we were able to do the an exercises with no qualms at all. We were able to do three sets of 50 consistently without stopping. Which is a great accomplishment for us :)

Well I am off. I hope everyone has had a great weekend!

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